We usually find that as certain times of year roll around, or as software upgrades (including those outside the Peachtree software family, like MS Office and Windows updates) are released, many people start experiencing the same problems concurrently. It's sort of like an epidemic of Peachtree illnesses! Today we explore some of the most popular problems experienced with Peachtree software products over the past month.
Problem: Around Christmas time, a lot of employee loans go out. These are relatively easy to administer, but not everybody knows how to set up a repayment in Peachtree products.
There are a couple of approaches to this problem. You could either set up a unique account and simply withhold to that account (called Employee Advances, and the type should be Other Current Assets). Or you could set up a receivable named rcvbl/employeeloan -- as the employee repays the receivable, the amount would be reduced to zero. Just remember to take the deduction from her net pay, not the gross.
Problem: Users upgrading to Peachtree 2008 in conjuction with the start of the calendar year have sometimes found that the purged records from Peachtree 2005 or 2007 are still in the Select for Deposit area.
This is a normal issue. You should select all the lines that are labelled with Purged Transaction, and enter a reference such as Purge and Save. You can also check the Deposit box. Before doing any of this, make sure you have a current backup of the data in your Peachtree software.
Problem: With a new year, many people are cleaning out old records. Users might need to delete invoices from 2005 to 2007, but are currently running either 2008 or 2010 version of their Peachtree software.
You can only delete an invoice of that year is open. You can restore the backup of that year to a new location and delete the invoice, then print the financials after voiding it. Use the new financials to compare to the beginning balances for that period in your current company, making changes as necessary.
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